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The Authors and Artists That Make It All Possible and Worthwhile

We are listing all of our authors and artists here. We'll see how long we can go in this format before it gets too big and we have to start splitting it up on multiple pages.

We encourage our authors and artists to keep us updated on what they are doing so links to web sites and biographical information should be up to date. If not, please let us know.

frustrated contributor
Abderhalden, Angela - Questionable Ethics - book excerpt, mystery - Angela's about-to-be-released series features Mel Addison, a woman who always seems to be in the thick of adventure--and thrives there. Squeezed in her demanding writing shedule, Angela works to support other writers in the Idaho Writers League and other writer's groups large and small. She also supports her children's efforts in national chess competitions. Angela's second book in the series is due out in 2009.

frustrated contributor
Cazier, Lola - Hitchhiker - flash fiction - David (our publisher) was invited to speak at a writer's group where Lola read this story. Her eyes twinkled with mischievous surprise. The story has tickled David ever since he heard it. Lola's wit illustrates the fun of writing and the importance of point of view.

frustrated contributor
Cheval, Michael - Childhood Story Revised - illustration - Michael created the listed illustration specifically for Maria Logven's story of the same name.

Michael's credits also include the art album Nature of Absurdity.

frustrated contributor
Logven, Maria - Childhood Story Revised - flash fiction - Maria immigrated to New York in 1994 from St. Petersburg, Russia. Passionate about art, she considers her writing to be the literary form of surrealist painting. Her Russian to English translation of an essay was included in the art album, Nature of Absurdity by Michael Cheval. One of Maria's short stories recently appeared in Diner.

frustrated contributor
McIntosh, John & Ananda - The Ring - contemporary fiction - Authors, inspirational speakers, teachers, and entrepreneurs, John and Ananda have published six books; The Millenium Tablets, Living Abundantly through Inner Guidance, 365 Days of Inner Guidance Inspirations, Loves Last Dreaming (also a screen play), The Hughes Legacy, and Towering Angels. They also write daily inspiration for thousands of regular list subscribers. Their web site is www.innerscapeproductions.com.

frustrated contributor
Miles, Elisabeth - Autumn Catepillar - poetry - Elisabeth's publishing credits include Southern Poetry Review, Haiku Highlights, and Synesthesia, for creative nonfiction, short stories, and poetry. Having lived half of her adult life in other countries, Elisabeth capitalizes on her broad life experience for her art. Her work as an artist includes illustration, glass art, fused glass, and lampwork. Her grandkids have aptly labeled her "Renaissance Chick." You can see some of her art at www.elisabethmiles.com.

frustrated contributor
Miller, Samantha Leigh - Slicing Tomatoes - contemporary fiction - Samantha is the author of one novel and several short stories. Most recently, her work has appeared in Raving Dove Literary Journal, Lux Creative Review, and Mom Writer's Literary Magazine. She resides in Phoenix, Arizona where she teaches at Arizona State University.

frustrated contributor
Pennington, Penny McCann - Bear Feat - nonfiction humor - Penny lives on a farm in Virginia with her husband, John. They have four children. After fifteen years of producing and writing advertising campaigns for television and radio, Penny embarked on a writing career.

frustrated contributor
Phillips, Emily - Lori Presthus: Colors of Life & Sound - nonfiction profile - Emily has written for newspapers, designed books, excelled in collegiate athletics, and is currently mentoring students at Portland State University. She loved the opportunity to meet with artist Lori Presthus for the profile, finding a kindred creative and upbeat spirit.

frustrated contributor
Smith, Randy - Time- poetry - Randy told us of his passion for writing: "I have always wanted to write my whole life. My poetry and short stories are part of me. How I feel and think. It is part of me and can be all of me." Additional publishing credits include a poem in Serenity at Daybreak.

A hardworking and loyal grandfather, Randy has enjoyed a career spanning from carpentry to being the computer lead design technician for a large company. Randy is now dedicating more time to writing.

frustrated contributor
Thymian, Jari - After Story Hour, Casting Call, and Ready - poetry - Jari grew up on a Minnesota dairy farm and attended a country school for the first six years of her formal education. Her poetry has appeared in Simply Haiku, Ekphrasis, The Christian Science Monitor, The Pedestal Magazine, The Progenitor, ByLine, and in various anthologies. Her chapbook of poetry, The Meaning of Barns, is available from Finishing Line Press. She lives in Aurora, Colorado.

frustrated contributor
Sparling, Scott - Tall Tale - contemporary fiction - Scott is a professional artist, entertainer, and writer in the Seattle area. He currently performs in the "Spazzo and Sally" magic show with GiggleWorks. Formerly a portrait painter, Scott's "Shoes" series of oil paintings was highlighted at the Green River Art show. He currently airbrushes anything he can get his hands on.

Scott's poetry is published in over thirteen anthologies and he has three children's plays published through Meriwhether Publishing and Contemporary Drama Services.